Top 7 Tips to Make Your iPhone More Secure

Have you ever imagined, how much information your iPhone can reveal to a stranger even when lying on a table in front of you? From personal information to financial data, it can pass a lot to a stranger that you cannot afford.
We have collected these 8 essential tips to enable you to secure your iOS gadget. Let’s have a closer look every one of them:
1. Enable two-step authentication on your iCloud account
A few organizations offer services that can extract information from an iCloud account. Typically, the hacker would need to enter the user’s Apple ID and password to begin catching the information from the iCloud account, for example, instant messages, photographs and mobile application data.
2. Disable automatic backups to iCloud
If you don’t need your information to be moved automatically to iCloud and would like to manage your backups on your PC utilizing iTunes, then we would recommend disabling the feature that back-up your data to iCloud.
3. Encrypt your iTunes backups
iTunes backups have a complete copy of the information hung on your iOS device and are regularly neglected as a risk of information compromise.
If a hacker gains access to iTunes backup from your PC they would gain access to all of your text messages, call logs, app data, pictures and much more. To guarantee your iTunes backup is secure, encrypt it with a strong and secret password in iTunes.