Top 5 Frameworks for Cross-Platform App Development

Maria Huges
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


Cross-Platform App Development

Businesses today need to have availability on various platforms to ensure they do not miss out on viable companies. However, creating custom applications for multiple platforms can cost significant money these owners do not have. So, today cross-platform app development is gaining favor among small and medium-sized organizations that want to have a presence without exorbitant spending.

What is Cross Platform App Development?

Cross-platform app development is an approach to application development that lets professionals create mobile solutions compatible with various operations systems and platforms, including Android, iOS, and Windows.

The Difference Between Cross-Platform App Development & Native App Development

In a broader sense, there are two types of app development services — Cross Platform App development and Native App development.

Native app development means that the coding is only relevant to one platform, and while it offers complete access to devices’ capabilities and seamless performance, but it does cost more.

On the other hand, cross-platform app development includes a shareable code that will work on various platforms, but it offers limited access, and there are chances of lags. But it does cost less.

The cross-platform mobile app development services ensure that one product works identically on various platforms.

Frameworks for Cross-Platform App Development

Here is the list of the top 5 frameworks for hybrid platform app development.

1. Xamarin

Xamarin is among the best cross-platform app development framework you can find. The solutions created using this framework will work on all mobile platforms and offer the same performance and user experience as a native solution.

2. Adobe PhoneGap

Created by Adobe, PhoneGap is an open-source mobile application development framework distributed by Cordova framework. This tool enables the applications to be written in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Moreover, it offers native plugins and containers, helping developers create abundant features and access device functionality like compass, camera, microphone, and others.

3. Ionic

Ionic is an open-source, easy-maintenance, scalable, and easy-to-read framework and offers a library of CSS, HTML, and JS. Ionic has a massive set of features and tools, including unique support for material design. It also offers regular updates and resources for the community.

4. Sencha

Sencha is the choice of enterprise-level application development on cross-platform. It is relevant as it offers a comprehensive platform and allows the team to focus on creating applications and not the framework.

5. React Native

And last but not least, you can opt for React native. Based on React, the best JavaScript library for making user interfaces, it can target all mobile platforms. Also, you can use the universal JavaScript language or Java, Swift, or C to create your solutions. Web developers can use this platform without investing in learning new skills.

Final Thoughts: Bring Your Offering to the World with Cross-Platform App Development

As a small or medium-sized business, you want your presence to impact the world while you grow. So, invest in cross-platform mobile app development services, and bring your business to the right potential buyers.

Cerebrum is a web and mobile app development company that will assist you in creating a presence online that garners trust and makes an impact.

