Edge Computing: Definition, how it Works and Benefits

Maria Huges
3 min readMar 21, 2023


Data is the lifeline of modern businesses that support real-time control over complex processes. Today technology such as edge computing can bring revolution. In this blog, we’ll explore what edge computing is, how it works, and its benefits.

What is Edge Computing?

Edge computing is a form of computing that occurs at or near the physical location of either the user or the data source. With edge computing closer to these services, users can benefit from reliable, faster, and dependable services. Organizations can benefit from the flexibility of hybrid cloud computing. As one can access and distribute a shared pool of resources.

How does edge computing work?

Compared to traditional forms of computing, edge computing offers businesses and other organizations a faster, more efficient way to process data using enterprise-grade applications. Now that IT architecture can be decentralized with mobile computing and the Internet of Things (IoT), organizations can acquire near real-time insights with less latency and lower cloud server bandwidth demands — all while adding a layer of protection for diplomatic data.

Advantages of Edge Computing

Edge computing is one of the most effective solutions to network problems. It has made shifting vast amounts of data easier in today’s time. Following are some of its benefits:

1. Eliminates Latency
Latency refers to the time needed to move vast amounts of data between two points on a single network. Extensive physical stretches between these single points and network traffic can cause unnecessary delays. Edge computing makes it possible to bring these two points closer to one other, and latency issues are practically nonexistent.

2. Increases and saves bandwidth
Bandwidth is the rate at which data gets shifted on a network. Every network comes with narrow bandwidth, which decides the data volume that can be transferred, and the number of devices that can process this is also restricted. By deploying data servers, edge computing allows different devices to operate over a smaller and more efficient bandwidth.

3. Relieves Overcrowding
The volume of data being is generated daily and can cause congestion. In edge computing, local storage and servers can serve vital edge analytics in a network outage.

Disadvantages of Edge Computing

Edge computing offers many different benefits. Here are some disadvantages of edge computing:

1. Insufficient Data
Edge computing can only partially process information, which can be witnessed during implementation. Due to this, businesses end up losing valuable data and information.

2. Complex costs
The cost of edge computing in an organization can be complex and expensive. It demands to have a clear and direct purpose before final deployment.

3. Increases Security
Edge computing is a well-distributed system that ensures satisfactory security. Although it can be challenging. There are risks involved in processing data outside the edge network. The addition of IoT devices can enhance the opportunity to infiltrate the device.

To Conclude

Edge computing will rise quickly, especially with the integrating of other technologies such as IoT, blockchain, etc. But with IoT technologies still in their infancy, the evolution of IoT devices will influence development of edge computing.

